Cornetts Supermarkets presents


Dash for Cash

More information on the Dash for Cash race coming soon…

100m Barefoot races on track straight after the last Horse race.

100m Cooktown Dash Mens + 100m Cooktown Dash Ladies

  • 1st – $500.00 Cash
  • 2nd – $100.00 Cash
  • 3rd – $100.00 Cash

100m Fun Footrace Boys U/15 + 100m Fun Footrace Girls U/16

  • 1st – $150.00 Cash
  • 2nd – $50.00 Cash
  • 3rd – $25.00 Cash

Foot races to be held on the main track straight after the completion of the last Horse race.
U15s not eligible to enter mens’ or ladies’ categories.

